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Shopmobility Wrexham: Warm up while you wait!

Image of two Shopmobility scooters side by side.

From 28th November you can call into Shopmobility Wrexham to get warm, have a brew, and have some friendly conversation! AVOW will have welcoming staff there to talk to (or not, if you’d prefer some peace and quiet) while you wait for a bus, or need somewhere to thaw out from the winter weather.

Bydd te a choffi ar gael i chi, ac efallai bwdin (os gwnewch chi gyrraedd yn gynnar ddigon)!

Os yw pobl am rannu pam maent angen Man Wres, byddant yn cael eu hargymell ac yn cael cyfeirio at ble y gallant fynd am help lle bo hynny'n bosib. Os oes angen ychwanegol o help neu gymorth gyda chostau byw arnyn nhw, byddwn yn eu cysylltu â sefydliadau a allai allu helpu.

This service will be available during regular Shopmobility opening times:

  • Mondays 10:00 – 16:00
  • Thursdays 10:00 – 16:00
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