The AVOW Make A Difference (MAD) Grant is now open for 2025

This grant is called “Make a Difference” for a reason. We want your organisation to showcase how your project can really Make a Difference to the individuals you support within the Borough of Wrexham.
The money generated for this grant is achieved from the good causes and supporters of the Wrexham Community Lottery and generous donation from the Wrexham Business Group. AVOW can therefore distribute a total of £6,000 to Wrexham not for profit organisation who could “Make a Difference” with a maximum of £500.
Grant Application Guidelines
Grant Background Information:
As part of AVOW’s commitment in supporting not-for-profit organisation within the Borough of Wrexham, we are now launching our Make A Difference (MAD) Grant 2025 to distribute to causes who are making a real difference in Wrexham.
Since starting the MAD grant in 2013, AVOW have distributed £17,295 to third sector organisations and community groups. Thanks to the good causes and supporters of the Wrexham Community Lottery, along with an asset lock fund from Wrexham Business Group we now have another £6,000 to distribute.
All applications should be submitted by Midday 31st January 2025 with all corresponding documents (see below) to be considered at the grant panel.
Grant Eligibility Criteria:
This grant is called “Make a Difference” for a reason. We want your organisation to showcase how your project can really Make a Difference to the individuals you support within the Borough of Wrexham.
You know your organisation and the financial support it needs the best. Therefore, we expect that applications will vary in order to meet your individuals/group’s needs.
Example of funding we can support:
- Energy costs
- Room hire
- Project expenses
- Staff costs
- Equipment
- Food/Refreshments
- Repairs and maintenance
- Volunteer expenses
Applications can be made from any voluntary or community organisations that provide services in Wrexham County Borough for the people of Wrexham County Borough and who fulfil the Welsh Government’s Wellbeing of Future Generations goals:
- A prosperous Wales
- A resilient Wales
- A healthier Wales
- A more equal Wales
- A Wales of more cohesive communities
- A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language
- A globally responsible Wales
All successful applicants are required to be an AVOW member. If you aren’t a member currently, then please apply here: AVOW Membership Application Form 2025/2026
Private businesses and statutory bodies (such as local authorities, community or town councils) will not be eligible to apply to this programme.
Organisations will only be permitted to submit one application.
Organisations need to be active and support individuals who live in the Wrexham Borough.
Information Required:
NEW ORGANISATIONS (less than 18 months old):
- be active within Wrexham County Borough
- provide a signed written constitution or statement of intent
- provide evidence that a bank account is/ will be opened within fourteen days of receipt of notification of an application being successful. All bank accounts must have two unrelated signatories. provide evidence of how the organisation is/ will be managed.
- be active within Wrexham County Borough
- have a written constitution or Memorandum and Articles of Association (if you are Company Limited by Guarantee)
- have a management committee with a minimum of three officers
- provide a bank statement
- provide a copy of your most recent annual accounts which must not be more than 18 months old
All the relevant information/documents (stated above) are to be submitted to [email protected] within 12 hours of the grant application.
How Much Grant Can Be Awarded?
Organisations can apply for amounts of a maximum of £500.
Any expenditure will need to be spent within six months of the grant being awarded.
Any monies that are not spent by this date must be returned to AVOW.
Please note that the amount of funding is limited, and some applications may be unsuccessful. If appropriate, your application will be referred to the Funding and Advice Officer at AVOW who will assist in finding alternate or additional sources of funding.
Please do not assume that any grant will be paid until you receive a letter confirming that your grant application has been approved.
Retrospective payments are NOT permitted
Assessment Criteria:
A preliminary review of your application will be made by AVOW Staff which may result in additional information or clarity being required.
All fully compliant grant applications will be reviewed by a Grant Assessment Panel. This Assessment Panel will make the decision on which organisations/projects receive funding.
The Grant Assessment Panel will consist of 3 representatives of AVOW (including 2 Trustees of AVOW and one member of AVOW staff).
The Grant Assessment Panel will meet at the start of February 2025, with successful applicants notified by mid-February 2025.
All successful applicants will be required to:
- Provide a project report; a template will be provided by AVOW at the time the grant is awarded. Monitoring will be required six months after the project start date.
- Copy of receipts for all goods purchased.
- All monitoring requirements to be sent to [email protected]
Social Media/Promotion:
All successful applicants will be required to #avow in all social media posts in relation to the funding being awarded.
Annual Accounts:
Reference to the AVOW Make a Difference grant should be reflected in your annual accounts.
AVOW Support:
AVOW administers the MAD grant and staff are available to provide support and advice with any application.
What Happens Next?
If your organisation/ community group decides they would like to apply based on the information above, then you are ready for the next step – make an application! Please remember completed applications must be submitted by 12 noon Friday 31st January 2025.
If you have any queries, please contact:
AVOW Funding and Grants Officer
ar 01978 312556 or by e-mailing [email protected]
Please note, successful grant applications will be notified via letter. Funds are not guaranteed until a completed and signed acceptance letter is received by AVOW.
AVOW is a membership organisation and a Company Limited by Guarantee 2993429
and a Registered Charity 1043989