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Funding for Projects that Support Disadvantaged and Disengaged Young People (England & Wales)

The Peter Cruddas Foundation provides funding for projects that benefit disadvantaged and disengaged young people in England and Wales. The Foundation gives priority to programmes calculated to help disadvantaged young people (16 – 30) in the UK towards pathways into education, training and employment.

There is no minimum or maximum amount and projects can be funded for more than one year. Priority is given to applicants able to demonstrate that they can manage the amount they have applied for and how they intend to continue (if appropriate) after the funding has been spent.

Please note that the Foundation is not accepting applications for Capital Projects: Eligible applicants will be charities registered with the charity commission in England and Wales, benefitting people living in England and Wales.

For more details on how to apply, please click here.

Peter Cruddas Foundation logo

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