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Social Engagement

Association of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham

Philip Bettinson

Marketing Manager

“At AVOW, we believe in the power of engagement and influencing to drive meaningful change. Here’s what it means and how we do it:

Engagement: It’s about actively involving our community and stakeholders in our mission. We listen, collaborate, and create opportunities for dialogue. Through events, workshops, and online platforms, we provide spaces for meaningful conversations and connections. We value diverse perspectives and empower individuals to be part of the change they wish to see.

Influencing: We leverage our expertise and networks to advocate for positive change. By raising awareness, sharing compelling stories, and providing evidence-based research, we aim to shape public opinion and influence policies that align with our mission. We collaborate with decision-makers, community leaders, and partner organisations to drive systemic change.”

AVOW Brand Guidelines

If your looking for our brand guidelines, you can download them from here:

AVOW Social Media Links

AVOW is active on several social media platforms. Below is a collection of places you can find us.


Facebook Posts

2 days ago

Mynychodd is-gadeirydd AVOW Kevin Forbes ynghyd ag aelodau staff Darren ac Amy ddathliad 25 mlynedd grŵp Amgylchedd Parc Caia yr wythnos diwethaf. Cyflwynwyd tystysgrifau i'r gwirfoddolwyr ymroddedig i ddweud diolch ac i ddathlu eu cyflawniadau. Mynychwyd y digwyddiad gan lawer o sefydliadau partner lleol a rannodd straeon am gydweithio ac effaith. Gan ddechrau yn 1999 mae’r grŵp wedi cael effaith aruthrol ar gymuned Parc Caia gyda’u cystadleuaeth arddio flynyddol, digwyddiadau haf, plannu coed, prosiect beiciau ac ymwybyddiaeth amgylcheddol yn codi’n lleol ac yn genedlaethol a mwy. Am gyflawniad anhygoel a Phenblwydd Hapus Caia Parc Environmental Group.AVOW vice chair Kevin Forbes along with staff members Darren and Amy attended the 25 year celebration of Caia Park Environment group last week. They presented the dedicated volunteers with certificates to say thank you and to celebrate their achievements. The event was attended by many local partner organisations who shared stories of collaboration and impact. Starting in 1999 the group has made a massive impact on the Caia Park community with their annual garden competition, summer events, tree planting, bike project and environmental awareness raising locally and nationally and more. What an amazing achievement and Happy Birthday @cpeg1999 #Volunteer #AVOW #HappyBirthday #CaiaPark #Wrexham #Wales ... See MoreSee Less
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4 days ago

Mae Coleg Cambria yn cynnig Cwrs Mathemateg a Saesneg Rhad ac Am Ddim. Gyda chroeso i bobl o bob lefel a gallu. I ddarganfod mwy ac i archebu'ch lle gallwch e-bostio [email protected]. Coleg Cambria is offering a Free Maths and English Course. With people from all levels and abilities welcome. To find out more and to book your place you can email [email protected]. #avow #learning #colegcambria #English #maths #wrexham ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

AVOW's 2019 AGMRoedd gan CCB AVOW yn 2019 y siaradwyr anhygoel fel Lesley Griffiths a Robert Walsh. Tynnwyd rhai lluniau hyfryd ar gyfer y Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol hwn felly roeddem yn meddwl y byddem yn eu rhannu. Mae AVOW wedi cael Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol arall yn fuan, ar y 18fed o Hydref rydym wedi cael Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol 2024. Os nad ydych eisoes wedi cael eich tocyn gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn eu cael yn fuan. Bydd lluniaeth blasus a rhai siaradwyr anhygoel yn debyg iawn i'r rhai o'r Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol hwn. /----------------------------/AVOW's 2019 AGM had the amazing speakers such as Lesley Griffiths and Robert Walsh. There was some lovely photos taken for this AGM so we thought we would share them. AVOW has got another AGM coming up soon, on the 18th of October we have got the 2024 AGM. If you haven't already gotten your ticket make sure to get them soon. There will be tasty refreshments and some amazing speakers much like the ones from this AGM. #ThrowbackThursday #AGM #avow #wrexham #charitiesconnect #MEMBERS #booknow ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

A fantastic day was had by our Ruabon Community Agent supporting the Ruabon W.I. at their Coffee Morning in aid of McMillan. /-------/Cafwyd diwrnod gwych gan ein Hasiant Cymunedol Rhiwabon yn cefnogi SyM Rhiwabon yn eu Bore Coffi er budd McMillan. Ruabon Community Agent #mcmillan #avowcommunityagents #MakeADifference #Fundriaising #mcmillancancersupport ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

The Land, the Junk Playground in Plasmadoc is one of the many things that is "Powered By AVOW". They've now got a new public-facing Facebook page. This page is to compliment their already-existing pages, and to enable them to share to a wider community. Why not give them a like, and help them grow? #JunkPlayground #Plasmadoc #Wrexham #TheLand #Grow #New #Page #public ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

BOOK NOW FOR THE AVOW AGMTo all members, the AVOW AGM is on the 18th of October, 2024. Book now to secure your place, and be part of Shaping AVOW for #avow #charitiesconnect #book #MEMBERS #booknow #tickets ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

10 Awgrym Gorau Amy ar gyfer cael gwirfoddolwyr / Amy's Top 10 Tips for getting volunteersA oes angen rhai awgrymiadau arnoch ar sut i gael gwirfoddolwyr? Yna rydych chi yn y lle iawn. Fe wnaethom ofyn i’n Swyddog Datblygu Cymunedol newydd Amy Jones a oedd ganddynt unrhyw awgrymiadau ar sut i gael gwirfoddolwyr a dyma oedd eu hymateb. Do you need some tips on how to get volunteers? Then you are in the right place. We asked our new Community Development Officer Amy Jones if they had any tips on how to get volunteers and this was their response. gallwch ddarllen y cyfan amdano yma / you can read about it #Wrexham #Volunteers #Volunteering #Support #Community ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

AVOW's funding and grants officer Jo Young & Community Enterprise Officer Helen Williams from Cadwyn Clwyd have been visiting projects funded by the prosperous communities key fund. Take a look at some of the amazing things this has helped make happen.#Wrexham #money #moemoney #ccandavow #litegreen #makeingadifference #AVOW Litegreen Foundation CIC @llaynazarene @paallam.arts Erddig NT/YG ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

The amazing work that the AVOW Team can put together. Here's an amazing example of partnership working with Cadwyn Clwyd!#wrexham #sharing #finance #partnership #litegreen #KeyFund #ccandavowWe welcomed Jo Young, Funding & Grants Officer at AVOW & Helen Willaims Community Enterprise Officer from Cadwyn Clwyd to our city center HQ today! They presented Tara Pearson & Shanone Towers from the Litegreen team with a plaque in recognition of their support for our #EnergyActionWrexham project.⚡🌎🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿💡This initiative provides local voluntary groups in #Wrexham with free access to our impartial energy and construction experts. We offer guidance on feasibility and viability studies to help you understand your community building's needs and implement sustainable practices, renewable upgrades, and cost-saving measures effectively for a brighter (and cheaper) future!🏫Our reports have also boosted applications for capital funds to improve community buildings in the area.ℹ There’s still time to get involved! For more information, visit: project is made possible thanks to funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, Wrexham County Borough Council, Cadwyn Clwyd, and the Association of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham (AVOW).#WrexhamBusiness #WrexhamNotforprofit #Wrexhamcommunity #EmergyEfficiecny #UKSPF #AVOW #CadwynClwyd #CommunityStrong #CarbonReduction #sustainability @followersCawsom groeso i Jo Young, Swyddog Cyllid a Grantiau o AVOW, a Helen Williams, Swyddog Menter Cymunedol o Cadwyn Clwyd, heddiw i’n prif swyddfa!Cyflwynoddant plac i Tara a Shanone o dîm Litegreen i gydnabod eu cefnogaeth i’n prosiect #EnergyActionWrexham. ⚡🌎🏴Mae’r menter hon yn cynnig mynediad am ddim i grwpiau gwirfoddol lleol yn #Wrexham i’n harbenigwyr ni yn y maes yn niweddar. Rydym yn cynnig arweiniad ar astudiaethau cyflawnrwydd a chynaliadwyedd i’ch helpu i ddeall anghenion eich adeilad cymunedol a gweithredu arferion cynaliadwy, uwchraddio adnewyddadwy, a mesurau arbed costau’n effeithiol er mwyn cael dyfodol disglair (ac yn rhatach)!Mae ein hadroddiadau hefyd wedi cynyddu ceisiadau am gyllid cyfalaf i wella adeiladau cymunedol yn yr ardal.Mae dal amser i gymryd rhan! Am ragor o wybodaeth, ewch i:’r prosiect hwn yn bosibl diolch i gyllid gan Gronfa Fyw Gydweithredol y DU, Cyngor Sir Wrecsam, Cadwyn Clwyd, ac AVOW. ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Cyfarfu Rheolwr Datblygu AVOW Katherine Prince ynghyd â swyddog Datblygu Cymunedol newydd Amy Jones â’n cydweithwyr cyfagos Michael Mitchell (swyddog datblygu Partneriaeth Gwirfoddoli a Bwyd ar gyfer Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Gorllewin Swydd Gaer) ac Emily Morgan (swyddog Datblygu Gwirfoddoli yn FLVC). Buom yn trafod gwirfoddoli ar draws ffiniau Sir y Fflint, Wrecsam a Chaer, rhannu syniadau ac arfer gorau. Ymunodd Octavius â nhw hefyd i glywed mwy am wirfoddoli a lle gallant ddechrau y tu allan i Wrecsam. Os ydych chi eisiau gwybod mwy am wirfoddoli neu eisiau cefnogaeth gyda'ch gwirfoddolwyr cysylltwch. AVOW Development Manager Katherine Prince along with Amy Jones new Community Development officer met up with our bordering colleagues Michael Mitchell (Volunteering and Food Partnership development officer for Cheshire West Voluntary Action) and Emily Morgan (Volunteering Development officer at FLVC). We discussed volunteering across the borders of Flintshire, Wrexham and Chester, shared ideas and best practice. They were also joined by Octavius to hear more about volunteering and where they can get started outside of Wrexham. If you want to know more about volunteering or want support with your volunteers get in touch.Flintshire Volunteer Centre #ChesireVolunteerCentre#FLVC #AVOW #Wrexham #Flintshire #Volunteering #Volunteer #Cheshire #Octavius ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

ShopMobility ym Paris / ShopMobility in Paris Yn ystod y Gemau Paralympaidd diweddaraf aeth Paula Fortune ag un o sgwteri esgidiau ShopMobility draw i Paris. Roedd yn help enfawr iddyn nhw, gan eu helpu i fynd o gwmpas a'i helpu i fynd i wylio ei merch Sabrina Fortune yn ennill aur yn F20 Shot Put. Os ydych chi eisiau darllen mwy am daith ShopMobility i Paris, gallwch chi yma:/-------------------------------------------/ During the most recent Paralympics Paula Fortune took one of the ShopMobility boot scooters over to Paris. It was a massive help to them, helping them get around and helping her go to watch her daughter Sabrina Fortune win gold in F20 Shot Put. If you want to read more about ShopMobility's trip to Paris, you can here: #wrexham #paris #Paralympics #shopmobility #shopmobilitywrexham ... See MoreSee Less
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