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Ymgysylltu Cymdeithasol

Cymdeithas Mudiadau Gwirfoddol Wrecsam

Philip Bettinson

Rheolwr Marchnata

“Yn AVOW, rydyn ni’n credu yng ngrym ymgysylltu a dylanwadu i ysgogi newid ystyrlon. Dyma beth mae'n ei olygu a sut rydyn ni'n ei wneud:

Ymgysylltu: Mae’n ymwneud â chynnwys ein cymuned a rhanddeiliaid yn weithredol yn ein cenhadaeth. Rydym yn gwrando, yn cydweithio, ac yn creu cyfleoedd ar gyfer deialog. Trwy ddigwyddiadau, gweithdai, a llwyfannau ar-lein, rydym yn darparu mannau ar gyfer sgyrsiau a chysylltiadau ystyrlon. Rydym yn gwerthfawrogi safbwyntiau amrywiol ac yn grymuso unigolion i fod yn rhan o'r newid y maent yn dymuno ei weld.

Dylanwadu: Rydym yn trosoledd ein harbenigedd a rhwydweithiau i eiriol dros newid cadarnhaol. Trwy godi ymwybyddiaeth, rhannu straeon cymhellol, a darparu ymchwil sy'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth, ein nod yw llunio barn y cyhoedd a dylanwadu ar bolisïau sy'n cyd-fynd â'n cenhadaeth. Rydym yn cydweithio â’r rhai sy’n gwneud penderfyniadau, arweinwyr cymunedol, a sefydliadau partner i ysgogi newid systemig.”

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Facebook Posts

2 weeks ago

The AVOW “Make a Difference” Grant is now open for 2025This grant is called “Make a Difference” for a reason. We want your organisation to showcase how your project can really Make a Difference to the individuals you support within the Borough of Wrexham.The money generated for this grant is achieved from the good causes and supporters of the Wrexham Community Lottery and a generous donation from the Wrexham Business Group. AVOW can therefore distribute a total of £6,000 to Wrexham not for profit organisation who could “Make a Difference” with a maximum of £500.Please read the application guidelines before accessing the funding application.· Application guidelines:· Application form: date is midday 31st January 2025.If you have any questions or require any further information, then please contact [email protected].#Funding #Grant #GrantApplication #MAD #MakeADifference #Wrexham #Wales #AVOW ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Heddiw (23 Ionawr, 2025), mae gwaith yn dechrau ar Ty AVOW, Egerton Street, Wrecsam. Ariannodd Cyngor Sir Wrecsam y prosiect o atgyweirio toeau, a wnaed yn bosibl diolch i raglen Trawsnewid Trefi Llywodraeth Cymru. Cynlluniwyd y gwaith hwn i wella'r adeilad, gan gynyddu mynediad i ystafelloedd yn ein hadeilad at ddefnydd cymunedol. Fel EICH Cyngor Gwirfoddol Sirol, rydym am i’n hadeilad fod yn lle a ddefnyddir gan y gymuned, a’r 3ydd sector yn Wrecsam. Mae Trawsnewid Trefi yn rhaglen gan Lywodraeth Cymru sy’n darparu miliynau i adfywio canol tref yng Nghymru. Mae canol trefi a dinasoedd yn rhan hanfodol a phersonol o dreftadaeth a chymuned Cymru, ac mae’r rhaglen Trefi Trawsnewid yn ymroddedig i wasanaethu a chysylltu’r bobl sy’n byw, yn gweithio, yn dysgu ac yn treulio amser hamdden ynddynt. Dywedodd y Gweinidog dros Newid Hinsawdd, Julie James MS: “Rydym am i ganol trefi a dinasoedd ledled Cymru fod yn galon i gymunedau Cymreig, lle gall pobl gael mynediad at wasanaethau, siopau, mannau cymunedol a diwylliannol [...]"/--------------------------------------/Today (23rd January, 2025), work begins on Ty AVOW, Egerton Street, Wrexham. Wrexham County Council funded the a project of roof repair, made possible thanks to the Welsh Governments' Transforming Towns programme. This work is designed to improve the building, increasing access to rooms in our building for community use. As YOUR County Voluntary Council, we want our building to be a place used by the community, and the 3rd sector in Wrexham. Transforming Towns is a Welsh Government programme providing millions to town centre regeneration in Wales. Town and city centres are an essential and personal part of Welsh heritage and community, and the Transforming Towns programme is dedicated to serving and connecting the people who live, work, learn and spend leisure time in them. Minister for Climate Change, Julie James MS said: “We want town and city centers across Wales to be the beating heart of Welsh communities, where people can access services, shops, communal and cultural spaces [...]" #wrexham #AVOW #TransformingTowns #WelshGovernment Wrexham County Borough Council Welsh Government ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

The AVOW “Make a Difference” Grant is now open for 2025This grant is called “Make a Difference” for a reason. We want your organisation to showcase how your project can really Make a Difference to the individuals you support within the Borough of Wrexham.The money generated for this grant is achieved from the good causes and supporters of the Wrexham Community Lottery and a generous donation from the Wrexham Business Group. AVOW can therefore distribute a total of £6,000 to Wrexham not for profit organisation who could “Make a Difference” with a maximum of £500.Please read the application guidelines before accessing the funding application.· Application guidelines:· Application form: date is midday 31st January 2025.If you have any questions or require any further information, then please contact [email protected] . #Funding #Grant #GrantApplication #MAD #MakeADifference #Wrexham #Wales #AVOW ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

AVOW is holding Emergency First Aid At Work Training in the AVOW building.The training cost £36 for AVOW members and £40 for non-AVOW members.With the completion of the training you will get a certificate that lasts 3 years. You can book our place here: 11th February: February: These training sessions will be held on the 11th February and 18th February from 9:30am to 4:00pm For more information please email [email protected] or phone 01978 312556 #training #avow #wales #wrexham #emergencyfirstaidatwork #emergencyfirstaidtraining #emergencyfirstaidatworktraining #firstaid #firstaidtraining ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Wrexham's Commissioning ConversationThe Welsh Small Charities Forum, supported by Lloyds Bank Foundation is keen to drive much needed conversation about the commissioning of services in Wales. Currently, charities experience a mixture of commissioning practices which lead to uncertainty, inconsistency, reduced resilience, poorer service delivery and ultimately harm to communities.With this in mind, AVOW would like to invite you to attend a workshop to share your views with regard to “Finding the Good: what really is the most valuable tender?” on 18th February 2025, 10.00am - 12.30pm venue TBC but will be in Wrexham County. Refreshments will be provided. Questions that we would like to hear your thoughts on are:1. Is commissioning considered to be a tool for social value?2. What do you want to achieve from having a commissioned service?3. Can you share your own experiences – good or bad of a tendering process that you have been part of?We would be grateful if you could sign up via Eventbright asap. If you are unable to attend, but would still like to participate in this workshop, then please send any questions/queries/thoughts to [email protected] by 14th Feb.#Wrexham #Wales #CommissioningConversation #Commissioning #Conversation #WrexhamCommisioningConversation #AVOW #LloydsBank #LloydsBankFoundation ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

The AVOW “Make a Difference” Grant is now open for 2025 This grant is called “Make a Difference” for a reason. We want your organisation to showcase how your project can really Make a Difference to the individuals you support within the Borough of Wrexham. Form: are on the AVOW website: money generated for this grant is achieved from the good causes and supporters of the Wrexham Community Lottery and generous donation from the Wrexham Business Group. AVOW can therefore distribute a total of £6,000 to Wrexham not for profit organisation who could “Make a Difference” with a maximum of £500. For further details, please first of all read the Application guidelines before accessing the Funding application: · Application Guidelines:· Application form: Closing date is midday 31st January 2025. If you have any questions or require any further information, then please contact [email protected]. #Funding #Grant #GrantApplication #MAD #MakeADifference #Wrexham #Wales #AVOW ... See MoreSee Less
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4 weeks ago

Gwobrau Cymunedol Uchel Siryf Clwyd 2025 / High Sheriff of Clwyd Community Awards 2025 (English Below) AVOW Voluntary and Community Team Y toriad ar gyfer yr enwebiadau ar gyfer y wobr hon yw dydd Gwener yma felly heb fod yn hir ar ôl. Sicrhewch eich cais i mewn nawr. - Gall unrhyw un wneud un enwebiad ar gyfer unigolyn, sefydliad neu grŵp yn Wrecsam. - Ni all unigolion gael eu henwebu gan bartner neu aelod o'r teulu nac enwebu eu hunain a rhaid iddynt fod dros 18 oed. - Ni ddylid cysylltu â'r enwebai na rhoi gwybod ei fod yn cael ei enwebu ar gyfer gwobr. Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer cyflwyno enwebiadau wedi'u cwblhau a'u llofnodi i: [email protected] yw hanner dydd ddydd Gwener 17 Ionawr 2025 E-bost am ffurflen gais: [email protected] /----------------------------------------------------------------------------/The cut off for the nominations for this award is this Friday so not long left. Get your application in now.- Anyone may make one nomination for an individual, organisation or group in Wrexham. - Individuals cannot be nominated by a partner or family member or nominate themselves and must be over 18.-The nominee must not be contacted or made aware that they are being nominated for an award. The closing date for the submission of completed and signed nominations to: [email protected] is noon on Friday 17th January 2025Email for an application form: [email protected] #highsheriffawards2025 #HighSheriffAwards #highsheriff #award #wrexham #wales #avow ... See MoreSee Less
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4 weeks ago

(English text below)Rhwydwaith Iechyd a Lles AVOW/CGLlSFfYmunwch â ni ar gyfer ein rhwydwaith Iechyd a Lles CGLLSFf/AVOW cyntaf 2025 sy’n digwydd dydd Mercher, Chwefror 5 10yb-12yp. Byddwn yn adolygu fformat y rhwydweithiau a hoffem glywed eich meddyliau a'ch syniadau ar sut rydym am lunio a datblygu cyfarfodydd yn y dyfodol.Byddwn hefyd yn trafod sut y gallwn ni fel cynghorau gwirfoddol eich helpu i hyrwyddo eich gwasanaethau.Rydyn ni'n edrych ymlaen at eich gweld chi! Health and Wellbeing networkJoin us at our first FLVC/AVOW Health and Wellbeing network of 2025 on Wednesday 5th February 10am-12pm. We will be reviewing the format of the networks and would love to hear your thoughts and ideas on how we shape and develop future meetings. We will also be discussing how as voluntary councils we can help you to promote your services.We look forward to seeing you! ... See MoreSee Less
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4 weeks ago

The AVOW Health Support Event - Free!This event is a wonderful way to get your vitals checked. With a variety of health services on hand to help support your health and wellbeing - all in one place. Just pop along to Gresford Methodist Church between 11:30- 13:30. No need to book!/---------------------------/Digwyddiad Cymorth Iechyd AVOW - Am Ddim! Mae'r digwyddiad hwn yn ffordd wych o wirio'ch corf. Gydag amrywiaeth o wasanaethau iechyd wrth law i helpu i gefnogi eich iechyd a'ch lles - i gyd mewn un lle. Ewch draw i Eglwys Fethodistaidd Gresford rhwng 11:30- 13:30. Does dim angen archebu! #healthandwellbeing #wrexham #gresford #event #FREE #opentoeveryone #february ... See MoreSee Less
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1 month ago

AVOW's Chief Officer talking about the AMAZING mural on the side of Ty AVOW. #volunteering #wrexham #mural #wrexham2029 #cityofculture #avow MurWalls ... See MoreSee Less
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1 month ago

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!!Happy New Year!! Diolch i bawb am eich cefnogaeth trwy gydol y flwyddyn, dyma rai o uchafbwyntiau AVOW. Thank you everyone for your support throughout the year, here is some of AVOW's highlights.#HappyNewYear #avow #octavius #octaviustheoctopus #wrexham #wales ... See MoreSee Less
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