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Two grandparents are holding their granddaughter that is smiling at the camera

‘In her Mouth was an Olive Leaf’ (Bilingual)


45 – 60 minutes from Friday 14th January to Sunday 23rd January 2022.

The theme for Holocaust Memorial Day 2022 is ‘One Day.’

Focusing on this idea, participants will have the opportunity to engage with the theme with colours of their choice. At the end of the session, your work will be shared on our social media handles and become part of an online gallery for the event.

The painting workshop will focus on recreating a painting by Carol Deutsch, ‘In her Mouth was an Olive Leaf.’  Deutsch was a Jewish- Belgium artist who created beautiful illustrations of biblical scenes as a gift to his daughter Ingrid’s 2nd Birthday. The painting itself was drawn as a symbol of hope that, ‘One day,’ peace will return.

There are free art packs available for groups attending a workshop that will include basic materials for each participant, as well as a sketch of ‘In her Mouth was an Olive Leaf.’

If you have an existing group online and would like to request a workshop or for further information, please contact AVOW by email to: [email protected]


Gweithdai celf ar-lein am ddim rhwng 45 a 60 munud o hyd, rhwng dydd Gwener, 14 Ionawr a dydd Sul, 23 Ionawr 2022.

Y thema ar gyfer Diwrnod Cofio’r Holocost yw Un Diwrnod.

Gan ganolbwyntio ar y thema ‘Un Diwrnod’, bydd cyfranogwyr yn cael cyfle i ymgysylltu â’r thema gyda lliwiau o’u dewis.  Ar ddiwedd y sesiwn, byddwn yn rhannu eich gwaith ar ein cyfryngau cymdeithasol ac fel rhan o oriel ar-lein ar gyfer y digwyddiad.

Bydd y gweithdy paentio’n canolbwyntio ar ail-greu darlun Carol Deutsch, ‘In her Mouth was an Olive Leaf.’  Roedd Deutsch yn arlunydd Iddewig o Wlad Belg a greodd ddarluniadau hyfryd o olygfeydd Beiblaidd fel anrheg i’w ferch, Ingrid, ar ei phen-blwydd yn ddyflwydd oed. Roedd y llun hwn yn symbol o obaith y bydd heddwch yn dychwelyd ‘Un Diwrnod’

Mae pecynnau celf am ddim ar gael ar gyfer grwpiau sy’n mynychu gweithdy, bydd y pecynnau’n cynnwys deunyddiau sylfaenol, yn ogystal â braslun o ‘In her Mouth was an Olive Leaf.’

Os ydych chi eisoes â grŵp ar-lein ac yn awyddus i gymryd rhan mewn gweithdy neu os oes arnoch chi angen rhagor o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â CMGW dros e-bost ar: [email protected]

Please follow our HMD 2022 Facebook page for updates and details here.

In her Mouth was an Olive Leaf: Holocaust Memorial Day, 2022 – Facebook (Bilingual) by Tim Johnson

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