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Gift Aid Awareness Day 2022

GAAD Twitter 2022 by Tim Johnson

Since 2018, charities across the UK have been taking to social media for one day every October to share the #TickTheBox message with donors, supporters, volunteers and others. It’s never been more important to #TickTheBox. Gift Aid means we can all make an even bigger difference, during the toughest of times! In these years of cuts to public services and national austerity, the help that Gift Aid provides is more crucial than ever…

What is Gift Aid and why is it important?

Gift Aid is tax relief for charities in the UK to increase donations – at no extra cost to the person making the donation. When a charity receives a donation from a UK taxpayer, the charity is entitled to claim an extra 25% paid on that donation.

A £10 donation processed with Gift Aid becomes a £12.50 donation! To find out more about Gift Aid and why it’s so vital to #TickTheBox, download Charity Finance Group’s (CFG) handy Fact Sheet for donors and volunteers.

AVOW are proud to support the Gift Aid Awareness (CFG) Day campaign, and we encourage donors to #TickTheBox today and every day! Charities are missing out on millions in unclaimed Gift Aid every year – so please #TickTheBox whenever you donate so charities can continue their incredible work; add an extra 25% to your donation at no extra cost to you!

Please watch and share CFG’s video about Gift Aid:

Gift Aid animation

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