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Headway Wrexham

We all think, “It will never happen to me,” but each year around 350,000 people in the UK are admitted to hospital with an acquired brain injury. That’s someone every 90 seconds.

Headway helps brain injury survivors, their families, and carers by providing information, social activities, and peer support. Headway branches are run by volunteers and provide a safe and supportive environment for survivors to work on individual goals, share experiences and regain the confidence necessary to take their next steps.

  • Do you or someone you care for have a brain injury?
  • Do you feel isolated and find it difficult to cope with everything on your own?
  • Do you feel people don’t understand you after your brain injury?

Come and have a chat with some great people at Headway’s friendly drop-in, and join them for tea or coffee! They meet on the first Tuesday of every month, 14:00 – 16:00. They are easy to find, at Tŷ AVOW, 21 Egerton Street, Wrexham, LL11 1ND.

For more information and to get involved with the Headway Wrexham branch:

Headway Wrexham
[email protected]
Facebook: Headway Wrexham

Headway logo

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