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Champagne bottle lit in purple. The name 'Dawn' can be seen on a tag on a glass

Llongyfarchiadau i / Congratulations to Queensway Community Group – Spirit of Wrexham – Wrexham Business and Community Awards

“We weren’t there for the fun of the award – we were there for the spirit of Wrexham”

Dawn Roberts-McCabe

Llongyfarchiadau i Queenway Community Group, enillwyr yn y category “Spirit of Wrexham” yn yr “Wrexham Business and Community Awards”.

Roedd yn noson llawn mwynad, efo’r llawr ddansio yn llawn o’r funed a wnaeth y fand ddecharu tan hwyr y nos.

“Oedd pawb yn nabod pawb arall”, ddwedodd Dawn Roberts-McCabe (Prief Swyddog, AVOW), “roedd yn teimlo mor cysylltiedig. Rydwi wedi mynd i llawer o nos wobrau yn llawer or wledydd, ond oedd hwn un or ddathliadau fwyaf rhyfeddol dwi’di mynd i”

“Oedd e’n teimlo fel wir ddalthliad o Wrecsam”.

Fe oedd AVOW hefyd lan am wobr ‘Spirit of Wrexham’ yn ur nos wobray, ond yn ddiwedd aeth y’r wobr i Queensway Community Group. Llongyfarchiadau iddyn nhw am ei gwaith caled, ac am popeth y mean nhw yn wneud yn Caia Park (oedd arfer fod yn Queens Park).

“Fe arhosodd pobol am yr holl beth. Roedd pawb yn happus i clywed yr enillwyr. Fe arhosodd pawb i ddathlu. Dathluoedd efo’r enillwyr, a canmoliaethodd efo’r chollwyr”

“Nid oeddwn yma am hwl y wobr – rydym yma am ysbryd Wrecsam” meddau Dawn.

“Oedd popeth yn lleol. Oedd e’n cwl iawn”

Congratulations to the Queensway Community Group, winners of the category “Spirit of Wrexham in the Wrexham Business and Community Awards.

It was a night full of fun, with the dance floor full from the moment the band started playing until late in the night.

“Everyone knew everyone”, said Dawn Roberts-McCabe (Chief Officer, AVOW). “It felt so connected. I’ve been to lots of award ceremonies in many countries, and this was one of the most amazing award ceremonies I have ever attended”.

“It felt like a true celebration of Wrexham”.

AVOW was also up for the “Spirit of Wrexham” Award, but in the end the award went to Queensway Community Group. Congratulations to them for their hard work, and for everything that they do in Caia Park (formerly Queens Park).

“People waited for the whole thing. Everyone was happy to hear the winners. Everyone stayed to celebrate. They celebrated with the winners, and commiserated with the losers.”

“We weren’t there for the fun of the award – we were the for the spirit of Wrexham” Dawn said.

“Everything was home-grown. It was really cool”

Nid Oeddwn ym am hwl y wobr – rydym yma am ysbryd Wrecsam

Dawn Roberts-McCabe

Champagne bottle lit in purple. The name 'Dawn' can be seen on a tag on a glass
A group of people sit at a table, with dance lights in the background. In the foreground is a champagne flute and a champagne bucket
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