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Lonliness and Isolation Grant - Applications Open

Lonliness and Isolation Grant Open for 2024

Mae Cronfa Unigrwydd ac Ynysu Cymunedau Cysylltiedig y Llywodraeth Cymru yn dechrau ei flwyddyn olaf. Gall unrhyw u,n o unrhyw oedran ac unrhyw gefndir brofi unigrwydd ac arwahanrwydd cymdeithasol. Gall effeithio ar ein lles corfforol a meddyliol. Mae’r gronfa hon yno i gefnogi sefydliadau gwirfoddol ar lawr gwlad,  a sefudliadau chymunedol sy’n dod â phobl o bob oed at ei gilydd, neu sy’n annog cysylltiadau cymdeithasol.

Mae’r gronfa wedi’i dyrannu yn gyfartal i bob awdurdod lleol a Chynghorau Gwirfoddol Sirol. Mae AVOW yn un o’r Cynghorau Gwirfoddol Sirol hynny.

Gellir defnyddio’r gronfa i ariannu pob math o weithgareddau ar yr amod eu bod yn mynd i’r afael ag unigrwydd a/neu unigedd. Er enghraifft, cynyddu gweithgareddau presennol, helpu sefydliadau i hyrwyddo eu hunain yn ehangach, neu ddod o hyd i leoliadau addas.

Mae’r gronfa ar gyfer 2024 yn cau ar hanner nos Ionawr 24ain 2024, a gellir ei chyrchu drwy wneud cais drwy AVOW yma:

Defnyddiwyd y gronfa hon yn flaenorol i ariannu pethau fel:

  • Gweithiwr chwarae ar gyfer prosiect cynhwysiant person ifanc ar gyfer pobl sydd â (neu sy’n aros am ddiagnosis) ar gyfer cyflwr niwrowahaniaethol.
  • Cefnogi unigolion sy’n siarad Portiwgaleg i siarad â’i gilydd a gwledydd sy’n siarad Portiwgaleg (Portiwgal, Angola, Mozambique, Guinea, Cape Verde, Brasil, Timor, San Tome, a Prince)
  • Cerdded pêl-droed i bobl dros 50 oed
  • Hyb cynnes i breswylio mewn ardal ddifreintiedig i gael diodydd cynnes a byrbrydau, ac i helpu i ddatblygu rhwydwaith cymheiriaid gyda chefnogaeth staff a gwirfoddolwyr.
  • Defnyddio ceffylau i helpu pobl i gyfathrebu, ac fel offeryn therapiwtig i gynyddu cysylltiad.
  • Ap symudol i rannu newyddion lleol ac i roi gwybod gwell i bobl am wybodaeth leol

Mae’r grant ar gael am hyd at £2500.

Mae gwaith y grant eisoes yn newid bywydau pobl, ac yn dod â nhw’n agosach at ei gilydd. Os nad ydych yn siŵr a yw eich prosiect yn addas ar gyfer y grant hwn, beth am gysylltu ag AVOW trwy e-bost, a gweld sut y gallwn helpu. Halwch yr e-bost i:  funding AT

The Welsh Government Connected Communities Loneliness and Isolation Fund enters its final year. Anyone of any age and any background can experience loneliness and social isolation. It can affect our physical and mental well-being. This fund is there to support front-line grass roots voluntary and community organisations that bring people of all ages together, that encourage social connections.

The fund has been allocated equally to all local authorities and County Voluntary Councils. AVOW is one of those County Voluntary Councils.

The fund can be used to fund all types of activities providing they address loneliness and/or isolation. For example, scaling up existing activities, helping organisations to promote themselves more widely, or finding suitable venues.

The fund for 2024 closes on midnight January 24th 2024, and can be accessed by applying through AVOW here:

This fund has been previously used to fund things like :

  • A playworker for a young person’s inclusion project for people who have (or are awaiting diagnosis) for a neurodivergent condition.
  • Supporting Portuguese-speaking individuals to talk with one another and Portuguese speaking countries (Portugal, Angola, Mozambique, Guinea, Cape Verde, Brazill, Timor, San Tome, and Prince)
  • Walking football for people over 50
  • A warm hub for residence in a deprived area to have warm drinks and snacks, and to help develop peer network with the support from staff and volunteers.
  • Using horses to help people communicate, and as a therapeutic tool to increase connection.
  • A mobile app to share local news and to keep people better informed of local information.

The grant is available for up to £2500.

The work of the grant is already changing people’s lives, and bringing them closer together. If you’re unsure if your project fits for this grant, why not get in touch with AVOW and see how we can help on funding AT

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