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IPAC Survey: BAMER Community – Pregnancy Loss & Bereavement

The Impartial Pregnancy Advice Centre (IPAC Options) requests the participation of women and men from the BAMER community who have experienced miscarriages, termination of pregnancy, stillbirth loss, neonatal loss, and sudden unexpected death in infancy in their survey; designed to improve services and support for those who have experienced pregnancy loss and bereavement.

The survey aims to identify issues such as barriers to accessing services and gaps in provision. This will support IPAC Options to see if equitable bereavement support can be provided to the BAMER Communities across the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) area of North Wales.

To participate in the survey, please contact:
Email – ‘Att. Doreen’ / [email protected]
Phone – 07455 745705

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