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VOLUNTEER Young Influencers Chair

  • Title: Chair
  • Duration: 1 year fixed
  • Location: Ty Avow, 21 Egerton Street, Wrexham, LL11 1ND – with potential travel across Wrexham County Borough
  • Responsible to: Katherine Prince, Finance & Voluntary and Community Team Manager, the Association of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham (AVOW)

Role Description

The Chairperson will be responsible for leading meetings of the AVOW Influencers, with a particular focus on the Youth Led Grants Scheme and any additional community funding that becomes available within the financial year.

The Chairperson will be required to liaise with the above department and with the panel of AVOW Influencers and assist with:

  • Promotion of the Youth Led Grant Scheme including marketing, branding and social media promotion, liaising with AVOW Marketing & Communications Officer.
  • Assisting with the administration of available funds and budgeting throughout the financial year, liaising with the AVOW Funding & Grants Officer.
  • Organising and coordinating the AVOW Influencers group to administer the Youth Led Grants Panel, liaising with the AVOW Volunteer Centre Development Officer.
  • Coordinating the lead-up to, administration of, and evaluation of the Youth Led Grants Scheme.
  • All of the above, in relation to any additional community funds that become available.

Personal specification:

  • A passion for community work.
  • A keen eye for administration.
  • A self-motivated individual with an interest in social action.
  • An interest in finance and community fundraising, grant application etc.

Benefits of the role:

  • Acquire experience administering funds.
  • Gain knowledge of local community groups, and community champions.
  • Gain experience working in all aspects of a voluntary organisation.
  • Training as required and identified.
  • Expenses covered include food, drink and transport.

To apply for this voluntary opportunity, please contact: [email protected]

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