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Make The Pledge : The Big help Out : the Big Help Out 7th - 9th June

Yr Help LLaw Mawr – The Big Help Out 2024 (7th – 9th June)

The Big Help Out

In 2023, over 6 million people joined in with the Big Help Out. It was fantastic to see people coming together, helping out, and making a real difference in their communities. These volunteers experienced just how rewarding volunteering is, and the power it has to make a real change to the places where people live.

Over 7 million say that they are more likely to volunteer as a result of seeing The Big Help Out in action, with 73% of volunteers saying that getting involved gave them more confidence.

This year, the Big help Out is not just for one day. It’s going to run the 3 days from the 7th to the 9th of June, coming right in at the end of Volunteers Week. Volunteers Week is a week where we celebrate volunteers, and raise the profile of the difference that those that are volunteering are making in our communities.

Sign The Pledge

There are 9 different volunteering categories for the Big Help Out, covering everything from Animal Welfare through to Arts and Culture. You could volunteer a skill, or even volunteer and learn a skill. You could pet dogs, or take photographs, or help build murals. The possibilities are endless, and the difference it can make in your local community long-lasting.

This year, the Big Help Out is asking people to make a pledge. A pledge to join in and to volunteer. In April they will be launching their own volunteer platform, as well as a mobile app to give you the opportunity to find a volunteering role. There will be volunteer opportunities big and small, from as little as an hour, to days and even nights! Volunteering comes in all shapes and sizes, and even if you want to try out something new, no problem!

Signing the pledge takes only a few seconds, so why wait, sign today!

Make The Pledge : The Big help Out : the Big Help Out 7th - 9th June

If you are eager to volunteer now, why not get in touch with our volunteers centre

Email us on : [email protected]

Canolfan Gwirfoddoli Wrecsam / Wrexham Volunteer Centre. Includes the three people logo
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