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Shots from Wrexham Family Photomarathon 2022 (Bilingual)

Cymraeg/Welsh (Please scroll down for English) Cafodd y lluniau hyn eu tynnu yn ystod Ffotomarathon Teuluoedd cyntaf Wrecsam ddydd Sadwrn 21 Mai. Yr her i’r teuluoedd oedd cymryd 5 llun i gyfleu 5 ymadrodd allweddol a roddwyd iddyn nhw am 10:30 am mewn amlen. Roedd

Join the AVOW Youth Led Grant Panel!

Young People aged 14 – 25 are needed to join the AVOW Youth Led Grant Panel! Be part of a panel of young people who make decisions about grants and funding: Assess applications and decide which youth led groups will be awarded with up to

Business meeting between man and woman

Volunteers’ Week: AVOW Volunteers’ Drop-In

To celebrate Volunteers’ Week 2022, AVOW will be hosting the Volunteers’ Drop-In at Tŷ Pawb on Tuesday 7th June, 12:30 – 14:30… Come along and chat with organisations and groups about the volunteering opportunities they have on offer! There will be a wide range of

Two women and a man are in an informal and friendly conversation

Sexual Harassment Survey (Bilingual)

Cymraeg/Welsh (Please scroll down for English) Mae Undebau yng Nghymru yn lansio ymchwiliad i’r aflonyddu rhywiol y mae gweithwyr yn ei wynebu yn y gwaith. Cam cyntaf y gwaith hwn yw arolwg newydd, a lansiwyd gan y corff undebau, TUC Cymru. Nod yr arolwg yw

Wrexham City of Culture 2025: Judges’ Visit, 11/05/22

“On Wednesday 11th May the AVOW Play & Community Development Team had the opportunity to be part of the promotion of children’s play in Wrexham Town Centre, as part of the City of Culture 2025 bid! At AVOW (and across the sector and County) we

Room of various business people who are discussing business

AVOW Celebrates Commitment to Real Living Wage

The Association of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham (AVOW) was accredited as a Living Wage Employer on Monday 25th April 2022. Their Living Wage commitment will see everyone in the organisation receive at least £9.90 an hour which is significantly higher than the government minimum for

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