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Two grandparents are holding their granddaughter that is smiling at the camera

‘In her Mouth was an Olive Leaf’ (Bilingual)

English/Saesneg 45 – 60 minutes from Friday 14th January to Sunday 23rd January 2022. The theme for Holocaust Memorial Day 2022 is ‘One Day.’ Focusing on this idea, participants will have the opportunity to engage with the theme with colours of their choice. At the

Young man at the beach looking out to the sea from the top of the steps

“What if, one day…?” (Bilingual)

English/Saesneg For existing groups between 30 – 60 minutes from Friday 14th January to Sunday 23rd January 2022. The theme for Holocaust Memorial Day 2022 is One Day. This year we look back in history to how one day changed so many lives. We can

Young man sitting on a couch with his hands locked

Choose Your Words (Bilingual)

English/Saesneg Friday 21st January 10:30 am – 12:00 pm or Monday 24th January 01:00 pm – 2:30 pm The words we choose have the power to change the world. In Nazi Germany, a generation of young people grew up hearing Jewish people described as being

Two women inside office laughing together

AVOW Rebrand: External Brand Guidelines

These are AVOW’s new External Brand Guidelines, for anyone who may need to use our new branding in their own materials! They detail how our new logo is to be used for both digital and print purposes. Please apply to AVOW for approval before our

Father and son laughing together

AVOW Certified ‘Disability Confident’ Committed

AVOW has been certified as a Disability Confident Committed employer by the UK Government’s ‘Disability Confident’ Scheme. ‘Disability Confident’ Scheme The ‘Disability Confident’ Scheme supports employers to make the most of the talents disabled people can bring to their workplace. Disability Confident organisations play a

Man and woman inside office laughing together

Benthyciadau Carlam Mewn Argyfwng

Rydym ni yn cynnig benthyciadau carlam mewn argyfwng i fudiadau’r sector gwirfoddol yng Nghymru i’w helpu drwy effeithiau gwaethaf llifogydd a’r Coronafeirws. Wrth i rannau o Gymru ddod i delerau ag effeithiau’r llifogydd diweddar, cawn ein hwynebu gan yr her nesaf, y Coronafeirws. Nid yw effaith

Happy woman sitting at window table looking into the distance

Gwirfoddoli Cymunedol Coronafirws

Yn ystod yr wythnosau nesaf, bydd angen cefnogaeth gwirfoddolwyr yn eu cymunedau ar gyfer ein Gwasanaeth Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol estynedig. Bydd pwysau’n codi o ganlyniad i’r galw cynyddol a’r risg o ostyngiadau staff oherwydd hunan-ynysu. Mae’r tasgau a fydd yn agored i wirfoddolwyr yn

Close up of two people having a conversation over coffee

Partnerships, Forums and Networks

FLVC, AVOW and other representatives from the third sector represent the sector on a number of multi-agency partnerships, forums and networks, across a range of service areas. Public Service Boards The purpose of Public Services Boards (PSBs) is to improve the economic, social, environmental and

Two women discussing something at a table

North East Wales Wellbeing Network

Join the NEW Wellbeing Network Mailing List The NEW Wellbeing Network brings together third sector organisations (local, regional and national) operating in Flintshire and Wrexham who have an interest in health, social care and well-being. The Network is also open to statutory partners and is

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