AVOW Shopmobility operates a fleet of electric mobility scooters, a variety of wheelchairs and a number of Disability Pushchairs (Strollers) available to anyone with mobility issues, for use within Wrexham city centre or further afield.
Scooters and Boot Scooters:
Shopmobility Wrexham has a large fleet of day scooters (up to 31 Stone capacity) to choose from, ensuring everyone’s needs are met! Day scooters and wheelchairs can be hired for just £5.00 a day for use within Wrexham city centre.
I'r rhai sydd angen llogi am gyfnod hirach neu i fynd y tu hwnt i ganol dinas Wrecsam, mae gennym 4 o sgetrau 'boot'' sy'n plicio lawr ac yn ffitio i fewnffordd ceir neu gallant fynd ar fws (angen trwydded bws): yn ddelfrydol ar gyfer egwyliau byrion ac dim ond £10.00 y dydd (angen iawndal)!
Frechdanau Anabledd
A number of Disability pushchairs are also available for hire at Shopmobility for use within Wrexham City Centre or further afield. Our Pushchairs are available for Families, Schools and organisations caring for any young person with mobility issues or Additional needs. They are perfect for travelling, shopping trips, or outings. The Pushchairs are lightweight and foldable making them ideal for transporting in the boot of a car and feature a five-point, height-adjustable harness, height-adjustable footrest for good foot positioning and wrap-around seat upholstery provide safety, support and comfort for children with both visible and hidden disabilities.
Each Pushchair costs £3.50 per day for same-day return (Monday to Friday (10:00 -16:00)). For long-term hire, the cost is £5.00 per day and a deposit will be required.
Special rates are available for schools and organisations.
Mae amrywiaeth o aksesoriau ar gael ar gais:
- Penglogau Haul
- Cau Glaw
- Sgerttiau Siopa (Yn dod yn safonol gyda phob Frechdan a llogir)
- Pads Bren
Oriau agor rheolaidd Shopmobility Wrecsam:
- Dydd Llun: 10.00 – 16.00 10.00 – 16.00
- Dydd Mawrth: 10.00 – 16.00 10.00 – 16.00
- Dydd Mercher: 10.00 – 16.00 10.00 – 16.00
- Dydd Iau: 10.00 – 16.00 10.00 – 16.00
- Dydd Gwener: 10.00 – 16.00 10.00 – 16.00