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Picture: A smiling family. Text: Be a Star and donate a gift. Coul dyou help us make Christmas special for those who may have little or nothing under the tree on Christmas morning?

Salvation Army – Be A Star – Christmas Present Appeal

Mae ‘Little Sunflowers Childcare’, Rhosymedre wedi bod yn casglu teganau fel rhan o’ Byddin Yr Iachawdwriaeth ‘Bod Yn Seren Nadolig’ apêl anrhegion. Fe aeth aelodau AVOW i gasglu’r teganau a mynd a nhw i adeilad cymuned Byddin Yr Iachawdwriaeth, lle’r oedd y teganau yn cael ei dderbyn efo ddiolchgarwch. Fe fydd y teganau hyn yn wneud gwahaniaeth mawr i’r rhai sydd a dim, neu ddim llawer, fel gallen nhw cael anrhegion ar ddydd Nadolig.

Roedd Brian Manford, Rheolwr Cymuned yn wrth ei fodd efo’r rhoddion.

Blwyddyn ddiwethaf fe wnaeth Byddin Yr Iachawdwriaeth dosbarthu dros 76,000 o anrhegion i bobol mewn angen.

Mae’r nhw’n edrych am anrhegion neu deganau newydd, a heb ei lapio. Fe fydd y rhain yna yn cael ei lapio gan wirfoddolwyr, ac yna a dosbarthu i bobol mewn agen. Y flwyddyn yma y mae’r casgliad yn dod i’r diwedd ar yr 2il o Ragfyr, er mwyn rhoi amser i fynd a’r anrhegion i le mae’r angen. Fe fydd y Fyddin Yr Iachawdwriaeth yn hapus i dderbyn rhoddion a’r ôl hwn hefyd.

Yn yr wythnosau olaf o’r casgliad, y mae’r Fyddin Yr Iachawdwriaeth yn edrych yn enwedig am anrhegion y plant bach bach, ac i bobol yn ei arddegau. Efallai rhywbeth fel bocs o chwistrell y corff, neu golur. Fydd unrhwybeth addas yn wych.

Y flwyddyn yma, y mae Byddin Yr Iachawdwriaeth efo sawl lle casglu

  • Byddin Yr Iachawdwriaeth, Garden Road, Rhosddu. Llun – Gwener, 9:30yb – 4:00yp
  • Siop Elusen Byddin Yr Iachawdwriaeth, Regents Streets, Llun – Sadwrn, 9:30yb – 4:00yp
  • Lidl, Gwersyllt, Sul – Sadwrn, 8:30yb – 4:00yp
  • AVOW, Ty AVOW, Egerton Street, LLun- Iau, 10:30yb – 4:00yp

Ddiolch yn fawr iawn i bawb sydd wedi rhoi trwy Little Sunflowers! Da Iawn i bawb a chymerodd rhan. Fe fydd pob anrheg sydd wedi ei rhoi yn gwneud gwahaniaeth mawr i rywun.

Little Sunflowers childcare, Rhosymedre have been collecting toys as part of the Salvation Army’s Be A Star Christmas Present Appeal. Members of AVOW collected those toys and delivered them down to the Salvation Army Community centre, where they were gratefully received. These toys will make a difference to those that have nothing, or very little, to give as gifts on Christmas Day.

Brian Manford, community manger was overjoyed on seeing the donations.

The Salvation Army last year distributed more than 76,000 gifts to those in need.

They are looking for gifts that are new and unwrapped toys or gifts. These gifts will then be wrapped by volunteers, and are then distributed to those who are in need. This year, the collection will run at until the 2nd of December to give time to get the presents where they are needed. Of course, the Salvation Army will always gratefully accept donations.

In this last few weeks of donations, the Salvation Army are particularly looking for gifts for the very young (Babies, and Toddlers), or teenagers. They have many for those in between, but will always accept donations. For teenagers, perhaps something like deodorant gift boxes, or makeup, but anything that could be suitable would be fantastic.

This year, the Salvation Army have set up a several collection centres around Wrexham.

  • The Salvation Army, Garden Road, Rhosddu. Monday – Friday, 9:30am – 4:00pm
  • The Salvation Army Charity Shop, regents Street. Monday – Saturday, 9:30am – 4:00pm
  • Lidl, Gwersyllt -Sunday – Saturday, 8:30am – 4:00pm
  • AVOW, Ty AVOW, 21 Egerton Street, Monday-Thursday, 10:30-4:00pm

A great big thank you to all those that have donated through Little Sunflowers! Well done everyone involved! Every toy gifted is going to make a real difference to someone.

Members of the salvation army holding toys
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