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13/05/22 Visit: North Wales Crusaders Wheelchair Rugby League

“I had the great honour of visiting the North Wales Crusaders Wheelchair Rugby League and Disability Sports Club on Friday night, 13/05/22, at Deeside Leisure Centre and Ice Rink.

It was lovely to see Winter Pressures Grant funding in action: You can see how this club brings both physical and mental health and wellbeing to everything that they do!

Presenting a volunteering excellence certificate to their Chair Stephen Jones was another highlight of the evening: He clearly treats every member as a part of a bigger family and keeps the team motivated and thriving. My son is so enamoured that I believe I will be a side-line mom from now on!”

Dawn Roberts-McCabe, AVOW Chief Officer

DRM Visit: North Wales Crusaders 13.05.22 by Tim Johnson

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